

About DigitalBits
The DigitalBits blockchain is an infrastructure protocol that launched MainNet in March of 2018. With an initial focus on the points economy, Digitalbits looks to turn on transfer and trading of value points, also known as loyalty and rewards. - further accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology into society.The built-in decentralized exchange equipped with multi-hop technology creates a flexible marketplace for digital assets. DigitalBits looks to introduce transferability and portability to existing digital asset categories facilitating seamless transfer of value.The project has been in development for over a year and has already demonstrated that it can drive mass scale adoption. We expect to attain in excess of 20M user accounts in 2019 - furthering the vision of a global token economy. DigitalBits has received multiple early access program (EAP) entrants from some of the largest loyalty and enterprise companies in the world.

Token Details
Ticker: XDBTotal supply: 100000000000Token Distribution:
                   10% Grantand Partner Programs
                   5% Air Drops
                   50% Algo Pool
                   10% Qualified Person Token Sale
                   15% Founders Team and Advisors
                   10% Future use by foundation
Accepted Currencies:ETH, BTC

-Tokenization any asset on our Blockchain, first use case is the Loyalty Reward Points industry.
-Built in DEX
-Multi-hop technology allows trading even if no direct market exists
-Token Name Certification System Verifies Token issuer

Technical Info
Token Name Certification Service: a system that helps to ensure the legitimacy of asset issuers and match tokenized assets to their real world counterparts an algorithmic pool disseminates reserved tokens based on network and account usage, this method promotes network usage as oppose to hoarding tokens and idle accounts



My ETH address: 0x309793a7ae490a7745be35f245fe7ece511f067c

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Bcnex - Sàn giao dịch mới 2019